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Gathering insights about Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises

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Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises Tech Stack

Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises uses 8 technology products and services including Facebook Pixel, imgix, PostgreSQL, and more. Explore Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises's tech stack below.

  • Facebook Pixel
  • imgix
    Content Delivery Network
  • PostgreSQL
  • Angular
    Javascript Frameworks
  • AngularJS
    Javascript Frameworks
  • jQuery
    Javascript Libraries
  • WebRTC
  • Google Tag Manager
    Tag Management

Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises's Email Address Formats

Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises uses at least 1 format(s):
Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises Email FormatsExamplePercentage

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises's headquarters located?

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Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises's main headquarters is located at 32 boulevard Victor Hugo CLICHY, 92115 FR. The company has employees across 3 continents, including EuropeAfricaNorth America.

What is Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises's phone number?

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You can contact Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises's main corporate office by phone at . For more prospecting data, LeadIQ has access to up-to-date and accurate contact information within our platform. Find, capture, and sync contact data to your CRM and sales tools in one click.

What is Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises's official website and social media links?

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Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

How much revenue does Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises generate?

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As of October 2024, Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises's annual revenue reached $75M.

What is Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises's NAICS code?

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Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises's NAICS code is 517 - Telecommunications.

How many employees does Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises have currently?

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As of October 2024, Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises has approximately 314 employees across 3 continents, including EuropeAfricaNorth America. Key team members include Chief Marketing Officer: I. B.Chief Information Security Officer: V. R.Daf / Finance Director: G. B.. Explore Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises belong to?

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Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises operates in the Telecommunications industry.

What technology does Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises use?

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Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises's tech stack includes Facebook PixelimgixPostgreSQLAngularAngularJSjQueryWebRTCGoogle Tag Manager.

What is Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises's email format?

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Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises email formats with LeadIQ.

How much funding has Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises raised to date?

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As of October 2024, Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises has raised $4.8M in funding. The last funding round occurred on Mar 06, 2006 for $4.8M.

When was Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises founded?

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Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises was founded in 1994.
Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises

Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises

TelecommunicationsCLICHY, France201-500 Employees

Filiale de Bouygues Telecom Entreprises, Keyyo est éditeur et opérateur de solutions globales de communication, de collaboration et de connectivité, expert des TPE-PME.  

L’ambition de Keyyo est d’apporter plus d’efficacité aux entreprises avec des solutions simples d’utilisation, souples et sécurisées, et un accompagnement proactif.

Keyyo offre à ses clients des solutions simple et « tout compris », réunissant l’ensemble des services de télécommunication nécessaires à l’entreprise : Internet très haut débit, téléphonie fixe et mobile avec fonctionnalités de standard, visioconférence, messagerie instantanée, et équipements.  Une interface de gestion unique permet aux entreprises d’adapter en quelques clics leur téléphonie et services à toutes les évolutions de leur organisation et à toutes les situations de travail.

Section iconCompany Overview

32 boulevard Victor Hugo CLICHY, 92115 FR
Phone number
517 - Telecommunications

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $4.8M

    Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises has raised a total of $4.8M of funding over 1 rounds. Their latest funding round was raised on Mar 06, 2006 in the amount of $4.8M.

  • $50M$100M

    Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises's revenue is in the range of $50M$100M

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $4.8M

    Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises has raised a total of $4.8M of funding over 1 rounds. Their latest funding round was raised on Mar 06, 2006 in the amount of $4.8M.

  • $50M$100M

    Keyyo - Bouygues Telecom Entreprises's revenue is in the range of $50M$100M

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