New Training Programs Ozarks Technical Community College recently launched a Plumbing Program to meet growing workforce demands, presenting an opportunity for partnerships with plumbing industry companies for recruitment and training collaborations.
Year-round Enrollment Being the first community college in Missouri to offer year-round enrollment, Ozarks Tech can attract students seeking flexible learning opportunities, making it an ideal target for educational technology providers and online learning platforms.
Infrastructure Investments With significant investments in new student centers and success centers, Ozarks Technical Community College presents opportunities for construction companies, technology vendors, and facility management service providers to engage in infrastructure development projects.
Government Grants Securing a $5.7 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor showcases Ozarks Tech's commitment to workforce development, indicating potential partnerships with government contractors and training providers for grant-funded programs.
State Funding Support Receiving $46 million in state funding for workforce and student success centers signals long-term financial stability, making Ozarks Technical Community College an attractive prospect for companies offering educational solutions and services.