
Expanding Product Line Prusa Research recently launched new products such as the Prusa CORE One 3D printer kits and Prusa Pro HT90, indicating potential sales opportunities with customers interested in advanced 3D printing technology.

Innovative Features The introduction of new features like the Prusa Connect remote control functionality with camera options and the binary G-code format signifies sales potential for customers seeking innovative solutions and enhanced user experience.

Eco-Friendly Offerings Prusa3D's launch of recycled PLA filaments with biobased pigments demonstrates a commitment to sustainability, appealing to environmentally conscious customers looking for eco-friendly 3D printing materials.

Market Leadership With numerous awards and recognition in the 3D printing industry, Prusa Research's market leadership positions them as a preferred choice for customers seeking high-quality, reliable 3D printers, presenting significant sales opportunities.

Scalable Growth Prusa Research's exponential growth from a small team to nearly 800 members and monthly shipments of over 10,000 printers indicate scalability and increased market reach, offering sales prospects for businesses looking to partner with a growing industry player.

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Prusa Research Tech Stack

Prusa Research uses 8 technology products and services including cdnjs, Next.js, jQuery, and more. Explore Prusa Research's tech stack below.

  • cdnjs
    Content Delivery Network
  • Next.js
    Javascript Frameworks
  • jQuery
    Javascript Libraries
  • Google Maps
  • Popper
  • Google Code Prettify
  • Node.js
    Programming Languages
  • Bootstrap
    UI Frameworks

Prusa Research's Email Address Formats

Prusa Research uses at least 1 format(s):
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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Prusa Research's headquarters located?

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Prusa Research's main headquarters is located at Partyzánská 188/7A Praha, Praha 17000 CZ. The company has employees across 5 continents, including EuropeAsiaNorth America.

What is Prusa Research's official website and social media links?

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Prusa Research's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

How much revenue does Prusa Research generate?

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As of July 2024, Prusa Research's annual revenue reached $750M.

What is Prusa Research's NAICS code?

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Prusa Research's NAICS code is 3332 - Industrial Machinery Manufacturing.

How many employees does Prusa Research have currently?

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As of July 2024, Prusa Research has approximately 501 employees across 5 continents, including EuropeAsiaNorth America. Key team members include Chief Sales Officer (cso): E. E.Head Of Testing: J. B.Head Of Product Development - Sla 3d Printer: J. P.. Explore Prusa Research's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does Prusa Research belong to?

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Prusa Research operates in the Industrial Machinery Manufacturing industry.

What technology does Prusa Research use?

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Prusa Research's tech stack includes cdnjsNext.jsjQueryGoogle MapsPopperGoogle Code PrettifyNode.jsBootstrap.

What is Prusa Research's email format?

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Prusa Research's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more Prusa Research email formats with LeadIQ.

When was Prusa Research founded?

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Prusa Research was founded in 2012.
Prusa Research

Prusa Research

Industrial Machinery ManufacturingPraha, Czech Republic501-1000 Employees

Jsme Prusa Research. V pražských Holešovicích vyvíjíme a vyrábíme 3D tiskárny, které miluje celý svět. Používají je ve firmách jako Lockheed Martin, Škoda Auto nebo SpaceX, ale hlavně ve statisících domácnostech, dílnách a garážích lidí, kteří díky nim objevili kouzlo 3D tisku. Zvládnou si vyrobit náhradní díl k věcem, které by normálně vyhodili, prototypují produkty ke svému podnikání, modelují a tisknou doplňky pro své koníčky, ale i třeba pro malosériovou výrobu. 3D tisk se rozjíždí neuvěřitelným tempem a my už jsme pár let na špici pelotonu. A zároveň moc dobře víme, že tohle je jenom začátek!

Naše tiskárny vyhrály všechna možná ocenění, včetně nejprestižnějšího testu 38 3D tiskáren časopisu Make. Během deseti let jsme vyrostli ze tří lidí a jednotek vyrobených tiskáren na tým skoro s 800 členy, který zvládne měsíčně poslat do světa  více 10 000 tiskáren. A chceme dál růst. K tomu potřebujeme kvalitní lidi. Třeba právě tebe? Sleduj náš web s nabídkami a přidej pomoz nám být ještě lepší!

Section iconCompany Overview

Partyzánská 188/7A Praha, Praha 17000 CZ
3332 - Industrial Machinery Manufacturing

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $100M$1B

    Prusa Research's revenue is in the range of $100M$1B

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $100M$1B

    Prusa Research's revenue is in the range of $100M$1B

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