Tennessee Justice Center
Law PracticeTennessee, United States51-200 Employees
The Tennessee Justice Center (TJC) is one of the nation’s leading 501(c)(3) non-profit legal advocacy firms. We focus on helping TennCare enrollees access the health services to which they are entitled. Mission: The Tennessee Justice Center advocates on behalf of poor Tennesseans: -In areas of public policy having the greatest impact on their health and welfare; -By means which afford clients opportunities to make their own voices heard; and -In ways which emphasize collaboration across lines of race, class and generation. Our clients inspire and drive the work that we do. The Center also supports the work of others engaged in similar advocacy efforts, beyond state boundaries, on behalf of the poor. Company Overview: The Tennessee Justice Center is a non-profit, public interest law and advocacy firm serving families in need. We are located in Nashville, but we serve all areas of Tennessee. We give priority to policy issues and civil cases in which the most basic necessities of life are at stake, and where our advocacy can benefit families statewide. We work to empower our clients - who drive our work - by holding government accountable for its policies and actions. Specifically, we are currently advocating for the rights of children to receive covered services under TennCare. We do this both through class action litigation (our suit on behalf of children, John B., has been going on for 11 years) and by advising individual clients on how to get TennCare to provide necessary services. If your child is having difficulty getting services from TennCare, please contact us at 1-877-608-1009 to see if we can help.