Town of Erie Employee Directory
Government AdministrationColorado, United States201-500 Employees
The reasons people call Colorado home often include a passion for the outdoors, a diverse and dynamic community, and a pace to life that appeals to all ages! As you’ll soon discover, the Town of Erie offers the best of all of these and without a doubt is one of the top places to consider when making your next career move. With our majestic mountain views and progressive civic vision, we provide a genuine small-town feel with modern amenities. Our residents enjoy a high quality of life. And our employees play an important role in making Erie what it is today, and helping us shape the future. The Town of Erie is an organization that has established an outstanding reputation for quality and excellent customer service. Each individual employee contribution is what makes that possible. The Town of Erie employs more than 325 hardworking, dedicated, and talented individuals in a wide array of positions that service our community, its residents and visitors.