United States Equestrian Federation Employee Directory
Spectator SportsKentucky, United States201-500 Employees
Equestrian competitors, leisure riders, coaches, fans and enthusiasts each share a personal bond with the horse. This commonality defines the membership of the United States Equestrian Federation which serves as the National Governing Body for Equestrian Sport. USEF is dedicated to uniting the equestrian community, honoring achievement, and serving as guardians of equestrian sport. USEF is dedicated to pursuing excellence and promoting growth, all while providing and maintaining a safe and level playing field for both its equine and human athletes. USEF trains, selects, and funds our United States Equestrian Team, which consistently wins medals at the highest level of international competition, including the Olympic Games. USEF also licenses equestrian competitions of all levels across the United States each year. Fostering growth among newcomers as well as the coming generation is paramount to USEF's continued success. Our young equestrians continually raise the bar both at home and abroad, pushing themselves to be better and strive for excellence, all while fostering and strengthening the connection between themselves and their horses. USEF contributes to the greater good of horses by assisting with their protection and welfare in crisis situations and natural disasters, as well as in daily competition. As part of this pledge to protect equine welfare, USEF continues to help support federal and state governments and works closely with other national equine organizations.