Individual and Family ServicesMontana, United States501-1000 Employees
AWARE MISSION: We help people live independent lives. # AWARE is a statewide nonprofit organization that offers quality, community-based support for people with mental health and/or developmental disabilities and families with children ages 0 to 8. We serve all 56 counties in Montana. # AWARE’s goal is to assist individuals and families in making sound life choices. The support we provide allows those we serve to become active and vital members of their community while focusing on personal growth. # SERVICES: - We ensure people with mental health and developmental disabilities live in a home of their choice and provide the day-to-day support they need. - We ensure adults and children live successfully in their communities, providing home visits, help in school, assistance with services, psychiatric assessment, and outpatient counseling. - We support children ages 0-8 and their families through Early Head Start, behavioral health services, home visiting, and child care. - We help the adults we serve find fulfilling employment, either through an AWARE program or in the community. - We hire professional, experienced staff to serve the individuals we support, employing more than 800 employees across Montana.