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Gathering insights about Checkmate

Checkmate Tech Stack

Checkmate uses 8 technology products and services including Docker, SAP, Snowflake, and more. Explore Checkmate's tech stack below.

  • Docker
  • SAP
    Customer Relationship Management
  • Snowflake
    Data Management Platforms
  • GrubHub
    Food Ordering And Delivery
  • Freshchat
    Live Chat
  • HTTP/3
  • Stripe
    Payment Processing
  • JavaScript
    Programming Languages

Media & News

Checkmate's Email Address Formats

Checkmate uses at least 1 format(s):
Checkmate Email FormatsExamplePercentage

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Checkmate's headquarters located?

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Checkmate's main headquarters is located at New York, New York 10036 US. The company has employees across 6 continents, including AsiaNorth AmericaAfrica.

What is Checkmate's stock symbol?

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Checkmate is a publicly traded company; the company's stock symbol is CMPI.

What is Checkmate's official website and social media links?

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Checkmate's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

How much revenue does Checkmate generate?

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As of November 2024, Checkmate's annual revenue reached $75M.

What is Checkmate's NAICS code?

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Checkmate's NAICS code is 7225 - Restaurants and Other Eating Places.

How many employees does Checkmate have currently?

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As of November 2024, Checkmate has approximately 390 employees across 6 continents, including AsiaNorth AmericaAfrica. Key team members include Chief Executive Officer: R. S.Vice President Of Artificial Intelligence: A. V.Vice President Of Human Resources - Us: A. B.. Explore Checkmate's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does Checkmate belong to?

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Checkmate operates in the Restaurants industry.

What technology does Checkmate use?

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Checkmate's tech stack includes DockerSAPSnowflakeGrubHubFreshchatHTTP/3StripeJavaScript.

What is Checkmate's email format?

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Checkmate's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more Checkmate email formats with LeadIQ.

When was Checkmate founded?

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Checkmate was founded in 2016.


RestaurantsNew York, United States201-500 Employees

Checkmate empowers enterprise restaurant brands with powerful ordering solutions and hands-on support. Our scalable technology enables restaurants to drive sales across channels, including custom websites, apps, kiosks, catering, third-party marketplaces, voice AI, and more. With seamless integrations, smarter analytics, and 24/7 service, Checkmate helps brands conquer their digital goals. Restaurants can launch unique ordering experiences, centrally manage menus, recapture revenue, leverage customer data, and continually adapt with new integrations. Regardless of how you want to grow, Checkmate has the tools and guidance to power, manage, and evolve your digital business.

Section iconCompany Overview

New York, New York 10036 US
Stock Symbol
7225 - Restaurants and Other Eating Places

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $50M$100M

    Checkmate's revenue is in the range of $50M$100M

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $50M$100M

    Checkmate's revenue is in the range of $50M$100M

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