Comp Pro Med
Software DevelopmentCalifornia, United States11-50 Employees
Comp Pro Med is a California based company that has over 40 years of experience within the industry. Our mission is to provide superior laboratory information systems for clinical laboratories. Our Polytech Laboratory Information System allows laboratories to streamline their process flow and automate data collection and reporting. We are a leading expert in connecting with other systems such as reference laboratories, HIS Systems, EMR, Billing Systems and Practice Management Systems. We strive to provide solutions which improve the timeliness, accuracy, and ease of interpretation of clinical results to physicians, allowing them to diagnose and treat their patients in a timely manner. In addition, our solutions are designed to improve the profitability, workflow and interconnectivity for those laboratories throughout their customer organization while maintaining ease of use. The resulting benefits include reduced costs and increased patient safety. We are proud of our long history of customizing laboratory information systems to the specified needs that our clients request. Currently, our Laboratory Information Systems are used in 7 countries around the world. To learn more about the company, please visit: or contact us at 1-800-276-4522.