Dagens Næringsliv
Newspaper PublishingOslo, Norway201-500 Employees
Dagens Næringsliv is Norway’s largest business paper, and one of the world’s most-read business papers in terms of total population. Each day 271,000 Norwegians read Dagens Næringsliv, making DN the country’s fourth-largest daily newspaper in terms of readership. Dagens Næringsliv has a circulation of 79,628 and covers the whole of Norway. Dagens Næringsliv is read by a very attractive target group for advertisers. The newspaper’s readers are mainly aged between 25 and 65, most have university-level qualifications, 4 out of 10 hold management positions, and they generally enjoy high incomes and strong purchasing power. The first edition of the newspaper rolled off the press on 1 January 1890 under the name Norges Handels- og Sjøfartstidende.