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Gathering insights about HootBoard

HootBoard Tech Stack

HootBoard uses 8 technology products and services including Google Conversion Tracking, Microsoft Clarity, HubSpot Analytics, and more. Explore HootBoard's tech stack below.

  • Google Conversion Tracking
    Advertising Networks
  • Microsoft Clarity
  • HubSpot Analytics
  • Crazy Egg
  • Cloudflare
    Content Management System
  • Google Maps
  • OneSignal
    Marketing Automation
  • Tailwind CSS
    UI Frameworks

Media & News

HootBoard's Email Address Formats

HootBoard uses at least 1 format(s):
HootBoard Email FormatsExamplePercentage

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is HootBoard's headquarters located?

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HootBoard's main headquarters is located at Brewerytown Philadelphia, PA 19104 US. The company has employees across 3 continents, including North AmericaAsiaEurope.

What is HootBoard's official website and social media links?

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HootBoard's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

How much revenue does HootBoard generate?

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As of May 2024, HootBoard's annual revenue reached $1.8M.

What is HootBoard's NAICS code?

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HootBoard's NAICS code is 5112 - Software Publishers.

How many employees does HootBoard have currently?

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As of May 2024, HootBoard has approximately 17 employees across 3 continents, including North AmericaAsiaEurope. Key team members include Chief Executive Officer: S. S.CTO: T. N.Chief Technology Officer: S. V. N.. Explore HootBoard's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does HootBoard belong to?

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HootBoard operates in the Software Development industry.

What technology does HootBoard use?

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HootBoard's tech stack includes Google Conversion TrackingMicrosoft ClarityHubSpot AnalyticsCrazy EggCloudflareGoogle MapsOneSignalTailwind CSS.

What is HootBoard's email format?

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HootBoard's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more HootBoard email formats with LeadIQ.

When was HootBoard founded?

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HootBoard was founded in 2014.


Software DevelopmentPennsylvania, United States11-50 Employees

At HootBoard we develop products and services that facilitate swift and meaningful connections for individuals with the spaces and organizations they interact with. 
We provide tailored solutions to DMOs, Workplaces, Hotels, Universities, Smart Cities, and any such organisation with large lobbies and spaces. HootBoard solution comprises indoor and outdoor, state-of-the-art touch kiosks and software features designed to increase engagement. 

Industrywise Solution:

VisitorHub™: Smart solutions for the Travel and Tourism Industry to engage visitors and improve the guest experience.

Key Features:
CityGuide™ a curated wayfinding app that helps visitors with directions, curated recommendations, and local transport options to quickly acclimatize themselves to the region.

The Selfiebooth™ allows people to take selfies with a branded overlay, so they have a beautiful memory of their visit to your destination.

Local Business Advertising service provides a platform for local enterprises to showcase their products and services to visitors, promoting interaction between the local economy and guests.

CampusHub™: Campus solutions for campus wayfinding, student information, advertising, and campus safety.

Key Features:
UniversityGuide™ is a curated wayfinding app that helps navigate the campus. Whether it's finding lecture halls, libraries, or student services, UniGuide makes it easy for students and faculty to get where they need to go.

The Bulletin Board is the digital heartbeat of campus happenings. From event flyers to important course deadlines, it’s a one-stop hub for students and staff to stay informed and engaged with campus life.

EmployeeHub™: Employee engagement solutions designed to build a strong workplace ethos.

Key Features:
Employee R&R enables organizations to celebrate achievements, share success stories, and motivate the team, strengthening the bonds between employees and the company.

*20+ Custom Applications

Connect. Engage. Promote

Section iconCompany Overview

Brewerytown Philadelphia, PA 19104 US
5112 - Software Publishers

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $10M

    HootBoard's revenue is in the range of $10M

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $10M

    HootBoard's revenue is in the range of $10M

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