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kgb deals's Email Address Formats

kgb deals uses at least 2 format(s):
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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is kgb deals's headquarters located?

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kgb deals's main headquarters is located at New York New York, United States. The company has employees across 4 continents, including North AmericaEuropeAsia.

What is kgb deals's official website and social media links?

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kgb deals's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

What is kgb deals's NAICS code?

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kgb deals's NAICS code is 81 - Other Services (except Public Administration).

How many employees does kgb deals have currently?

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As of December 2024, kgb deals has approximately 5K employees across 4 continents, including North AmericaEuropeAsia. Key team members include Owner Operator: K. B.Chairman: P. R.National Account Manager - Product Team: D. Y.. Explore kgb deals's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does kgb deals belong to?

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kgb deals operates in the Consumer Services industry.

What is kgb deals's email format?

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kgb deals's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more kgb deals email formats with LeadIQ.
kgb deals

kgb deals

Consumer ServicesNew York, United States5001-10000 Employees

From the people who bring you a smarter way to get answers, a smarter way to shop. Introducing kgb deals. This is shopping 3.0. Join our community now and start to save 50%-90% on all the things you love to do, eat, wear and enjoy your city. kgb deals is a deal site that brings its members daily discounts on popular products and services. kgb deals offers deals in more than 100 cities globally and has become the third largest daily deal business in the world.

Section iconCompany Overview

New York New York, United States
81 - Other Services (except Public Administration)

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Section iconFunding & Financials

Section iconFunding & Financials

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