Medical Society of Delaware
Medical PracticesUnited States11-50 Employees
MSD's Mission: To guide, serve and support Delaware Physicians, promoting the practice and profession of medicine to enhance the health of our communities. MSD was founded in 1776 and incorporated on February 3, 1789, only 12 days after President Washington took his oath of office. It is the third oldest society of its kind in the US. Although much has changed in the medical profession since then, the principle upon which this Society of physicians was founded has remained steadfast: to further the medical profession in such a way that the health and well being of the citizens of Delaware can be enhanced. We exist to serve our members and, through them, the citizens of Delaware. We do this in four areas: advocacy, representation, public service, and education. The original 27-member organization has grown to a present membership of over 1,600 physicians throughout the State of Delaware. The Medical Society of Delaware continues its support of physicians in their vigor and spirit to advance the profession, which was the basis for its creation.