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RJ Lee Group's Email Address Formats

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is RJ Lee Group's headquarters located?

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RJ Lee Group's main headquarters is located at 800 Presque Isle Dr Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15239 US. The company has employees across 4 continents, including North AmericaAsiaEurope.

What is RJ Lee Group's official website and social media links?

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RJ Lee Group's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

How much revenue does RJ Lee Group generate?

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As of June 2024, RJ Lee Group's annual revenue reached $75M.

What is RJ Lee Group's SIC code NAICS code?

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RJ Lee Group's SIC code is 8731 - Commercial Physical and Biological Research NAICS code is 541511 - Custom Computer Programming Services.

How many employees does RJ Lee Group have currently?

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As of June 2024, RJ Lee Group has approximately 201 employees across 4 continents, including North AmericaAsiaEurope. Key team members include CEO: R. L.CEO: R. S.Chief Operating Officer: C. B.. Explore RJ Lee Group's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does RJ Lee Group belong to?

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RJ Lee Group operates in the Environmental Services industry.

What is RJ Lee Group's email format?

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RJ Lee Group's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more RJ Lee Group email formats with LeadIQ.

How much funding has RJ Lee Group raised to date?

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As of June 2024, RJ Lee Group has raised $4.2M in funding. The last funding round occurred on Dec 03, 2014 for $4.2M.

When was RJ Lee Group founded?

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RJ Lee Group was founded in 1985.
RJ Lee Group

RJ Lee Group

Environmental ServicesPennsylvania, United States201-500 Employees

RJ Lee Group is a materials characterization and industrial forensics consulting firm with corporate headquarters in Monroeville, Pa., and laboratories located in Pasco, Washington and Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Our newest location in Canonsburg, Pa, is home to the Information and Software Services Group and our Conference Center. Founded in 1986, RJ Lee Group has assembled the experts and technology platform to respond to industry at all levels of the product life cycle. We construct and implement proactive solutions that strengthen marketplace position by mitigating risks and ensuring a quality product.

Section iconCompany Overview

800 Presque Isle Dr Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15239 US
SIC Code
8731 - Commercial Physical and Biological Research
541511 - Custom Computer Programming Services

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $4.2M

    RJ Lee Group has raised a total of $4.2M of funding over 1 rounds. Their latest funding round was raised on Dec 03, 2014 in the amount of $4.2M.

  • $50M$100M

    RJ Lee Group's revenue is in the range of $50M$100M

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $4.2M

    RJ Lee Group has raised a total of $4.2M of funding over 1 rounds. Their latest funding round was raised on Dec 03, 2014 in the amount of $4.2M.

  • $50M$100M

    RJ Lee Group's revenue is in the range of $50M$100M

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