幣託集團 BitoGroup
Financial ServicesTaipei City, Taiwan, Province of China51-200 Employees
幣託科技 (BitoEX) 於 2014 年成立,期盼以區塊鏈技術改良傳統金融服務,致力推廣台灣虛擬通貨產業。幣託為站內用戶熱、冷錢包投保,安全儲存用戶加密資產,並具保險保障資產安全。全臺唯一資誠會計(PwC)驗證實名制交易所,用戶交易均開發票,由會計師查驗並出具稅簽,合規合法納稅。未來,幣託將持續地努力,為用戶站在第一線,提供快速便捷服務,為行業打造合法合規環境、為用戶打造安全交易環境、為台灣留下技術與人才。 幣託目前旗下產品:BitoEX加密貨幣交易平台及BitoPro台幣加密貨幣交易所。 - BitoEX加密貨幣交易平台:幣託於 2014 年推出BitoEX加密貨幣交易平台,為台灣第一家開發專業安全之加密貨幣錢包,最早提供新台幣買賣加密貨幣之服務。全球首創超商買幣,透過銀行匯款與超商以台幣買賣加密貨幣,提供類似銀樓的黃金買賣服務,是大量交易比特幣、以太幣等加密貨幣的最佳途徑。 - BitoPro台幣加密貨幣交易所:幣託於 2018 年 3 月推出國際級BitoPro台幣加密貨幣交易所,提供類似台股下單撮合之服務。多元主流幣種交易,如台幣買賣比特幣、以太幣、USDT(泰達幣)和幣幣交易。旗下BitoDebt債權轉讓平台為全台首創加密貨幣債權,提供低風險、穩定獲利理財致富新管道。2018 年 5 月份 BitoPro 成功完成自有平臺幣 BITO 的代幣發售, 11 月正式宣布推出獨創專利的 TTCheck 功能。 Established in 2014, BitoEX is No.1 crypto wallet and exchange service in Taiwan, with R&D teams located in Taipei. BitoEX Technology's vision is to use blockchain technology to solve longtime drawbacks in the financial services industries. BitoEX invests heavily in security resources to provide the most stable and secure cryptocurrency transactions. Currently, we have 2 products: BitoEX and BitoPro. - BitoEX: The crypto wallet service was launched in 2014. Users have been able to buy cryptocurrency through over 3,000 convenience stores in Taiwan since 2014. - BitoPro: With 80% of Taiwan's market share and 250,000 members, BitoEX launched its international fiat-cryptocurrency exchange, BitoPro, in early 2018. In 2019, we launched BitoDebt, a stable, profitable, professional, legal and low-risk debt purchase platform.