
Sustainability Focus Brim hf., a leading seafood company in Iceland, emphasizes sustainable fishing practices and environmental conservation, providing a unique selling point for eco-conscious customers globally.

Global Market Presence With major markets in Europe, Asia, North America, and Africa, Brim has a strong international presence, offering significant sales opportunities for expansion and partnerships across diverse regions.

Integrated Operations Brim's integrated operations covering fishing, processing, and marketing ensure efficient production and seamless delivery to customers, presenting a streamlined value chain attractive to potential buyers.

Cutting-Edge Technology Utilizing a tech stack that includes Flickity, jQuery, and LottieFiles among others, Brim demonstrates a commitment to innovation, enabling sales teams to highlight modern production processes and quality standards to tech-savvy clients.

Quality Workforce Brim's success is attributed to its skilled workforce both at sea and on land, dedicated to delivering high-quality products to consumers. This emphasis on expertise and product excellence serves as a key selling point in distinguishing Brim's offerings in the competitive seafood industry.

Brim Tech Stack

Brim uses 8 technology products and services including Flickity, jQuery, Open Graph, and more. Explore Brim 's tech stack below.

  • Flickity
    Javascript Libraries
  • jQuery
    Javascript Libraries
  • Open Graph
  • LottieFiles
  • Webpack
  • Windows Server
    Operating Systems
  • Bootstrap
    UI Frameworks
  • Tailwind CSS
    UI Frameworks

Media & News

Brim 's Email Address Formats

Brim uses at least 2 format(s):
Brim Email FormatsExamplePercentage

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Brim 's headquarters located?

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Brim 's main headquarters is located at Norðurgarður 1 Reykjavík, Capital Region 101 IS. The company has employees across 1 continents, including Europe.

What is Brim 's official website and social media links?

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Brim 's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

What is Brim 's NAICS code?

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Brim 's NAICS code is 311 - Food Manufacturing.

How many employees does Brim have currently?

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As of May 2022, Brim has approximately 501 employees across 1 continents, including Europe. Key team members include Chief Financial Officer (cfo): I. J. F.Chief Information Officer: L. L.Director Of Production: G. K.. Explore Brim 's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does Brim belong to?

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Brim operates in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing industry.

What technology does Brim use?

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Brim 's tech stack includes FlickityjQueryOpen GraphLottieFilesWebpackWindows ServerBootstrapTailwind CSS.

What is Brim 's email format?

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Brim 's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more Brim email formats with LeadIQ.

When was Brim founded?

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Brim was founded in 1985.


Food and Beverage ManufacturingCapital Region, Iceland501-1000 Employees

Brim hf. er eitt stærsta sjávarútvegsfyrirtækið á Íslandi. Félagið á sér langa sögu og býr að mikilli reynslu og þekkingu á nýtingu auðlinda og framleiðslu sjávarafurða sem endurspeglast í öllu starfi þess. Lögð er rík áhersla á háþróaða tækni við veiðar og vinnslu og stöðuga þróun framleiðslunnar. Fyrirtækið framleiðir verðmætar afurðir úr ferskum fiski sem aflað er úr hafinu við Ísland. Virðing fyrir umhverfinu og lífríki sjávar er grundvöllur starfsemi Brims og lögð er áhersla á góða umgengni um auðlindina og ábyrgar fiskveiðar svo komandi kynslóðir geti notið hennar áfram. Brim leggur áherslu á samfélagslega ábyrgð enda hefur það ætíð verið metnaður fyrirtækisins að öll starfsemi þess endurspegli ábyrgð gagnvart auðlindum sjávar og samfélaginu. 
Brim stundar veiðar og vinnslu á botn- og uppsjávarfiski. Hjá fyrirtækinu eru unnin um 950 ársverk til sjós og lands. Afurðirnar eru seldar um allan heim en helstu markaðir eru í Evrópu, Asíu, Norður-Ameríku og Afríku.
Brim er með samþættan rekstur veiða, vinnslu og markaðssetningar sem stuðlar að skilvirkari framleiðslu og tryggir óhefta leið aflans til kaupanda. Auðvelt er að rekja slóð afurðanna frá afhendingu alla leið aftur til sjávar. Lykillinn að velgengni fyrirtækisins felst í framúrskarandi starfsfólki á sjó og landi sem leggur sig fram við að skila gæðavörum til kaupenda og neytenda.

Section iconCompany Overview

Norðurgarður 1 Reykjavík, Capital Region 101 IS
311 - Food Manufacturing

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Section iconFunding & Financials

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