Cross-Product Detection SteelEye's launch of cross-product detection for trade surveillance provides an opportunity for financial institutions to enhance market manipulation safeguards. This new feature showcases SteelEye's commitment to staying ahead of industry threats, which can be leveraged as a selling point to customers looking to strengthen their compliance measures.
Partnership with Intelligent Voice The recent partnership with Intelligent Voice solidifies SteelEye's position as an innovative player in voice surveillance technology. Sales teams can highlight this collaboration to showcase SteelEye's focus on leveraging cutting-edge solutions to meet evolving industry needs, attracting clients seeking advanced voice surveillance capabilities.
Compliance CoPilot Tool The introduction of Compliance CoPilot by SteelEye streamlines the process of reviewing communication surveillance alerts, offering financial firms an efficient compliance solution. Sales representatives can emphasize how this tool simplifies compliance tasks, making it an attractive proposition for organizations seeking enhanced operational efficiency and risk management.
Customer Recognition SteelEye's recognition as the best-integrated surveillance firm multiple times highlights its industry leadership and expertise. Sales professionals can leverage these accolades to build trust with potential clients, positioning SteelEye as a reliable partner for comprehensive and effective surveillance solutions backed by industry recognition.
North American Awards SteelEye's impressive track record of winning North American-specific awards underscores its global appeal and success in the U.S. market. Sales teams can use these accolades to showcase SteelEye's competitive edge, demonstrating its ability to deliver value and innovation to clients in the North American region, presenting a strong selling point for expansion.