Cyber Incident Response Ticketek Australia's recent cyber incident highlights a potential sales opportunity in offering cybersecurity solutions for event ticketing platforms to enhance data protection and customer trust.
Accessibility Solutions Ticketek's launch of groundbreaking digital solutions and accessible booking platforms presents a sales opportunity for companies providing accessibility technology for events to cater to diverse audiences and improve inclusivity.
Tech Integration Services With a tech stack including Adobe Target, Power BI, and Microsoft 365, Ticketek may benefit from sales offers of tech integration services to streamline operations, enhance data analytics, and improve customer insights.
Management Consulting Appointment of King as managing director signals potential sales avenues in management consulting services for event ticketing organizations, focusing on optimizing client services, ticketing solutions, and delivery strategies.
Competitor Analysis Considering Ticketek's revenue and market positioning among similar companies like ShowClix and Eventbrite, sales professionals could explore offering competitor analysis services to enhance Ticketek's competitive edge and market strategy.