Burgo Group
Paper and Forest Product ManufacturingVicenza, Italy1001-5000 Employees
Burgo Group is one of the leading producers of graphic and specialty papers, collaborating closely with all the most important European markets. Mission: to produce quality paper, in line with the market's evolving needs, at the service of all those who communicate on printed paper. Pursuing a balance between economic development and social and environmental responsibility. The Group is configured as a 'system' developed around the world of paper: from the production, distribution, recycling of paper and the processing of forestry products, as well as factoring and energy. Burgo Group makes sustainable development a core part of the business which is present in all processes, from purchase and use of resources, to the return of waste water, as far as the optimisation and re-use of discarded material for energy generation. Furthermore, Burgo Group is committed to expanding the business through the entrance in the container board market. Burgo Group has 11 paper mills in Italy and 1 integrated mill in Belgium and 16 production lines