Madison Avenue Couture Inc
Retail Luxury Goods and JewelryNew York, United States11-50 Employees
BUY WITH CONFIDENCE Madison Avenue Couture is America’s largest and most trusted online independent retailer of new, store-fresh Hermès handbags. We offer a constantly updated curated catalog of authentic luxury handbags, each sourced and inspected by our in-house team of experts. Our merchandise is ready for immediate shipping within the United States and around the world. We also specialize in sourcing dream bags that are currently not in stock. In addition to Hermés handbags, we stock a collection of new and never worn Hermés jewelry and accessories, Chanel handbags and Louis Vuitton handbags, as well as a limited collection of preowned and vintage pieces. Celebrating our 14th year , Madison Avenue Couture is the "go to" source for handbags for leading concierge services and auction houses, as well as celebrities and socialites.