New Brunswick Medical Society
Hospitals and Health CareNew Brunswick, Canada11-50 Employees
Founded in 1867, the New Brunswick Medical Society is the professional association representing all physicians in New Brunswick. Its twin goals are to represent and serve physicians, and advocate for the health of New Brunswickers. Internally, it is divided into several units. Economics and Physician Compensation works with government on physician remuneration and allocation of physician funding. Operations delivers a number of member-focused services, government-funded programs to doctors and physician learners and administers the Provincial Electronic Medical Records Program which delivers New Brunswick's community-based electronic health infrastructure to physicians across the province, maintaining records for hundreds of thousands of patients. Physician and Patient Engagement performs policy analysis, government relations and advocacy, and engagement with members and the public. Strategic Programs and Innovation leads Family Medicine NB, an innovative initiative that is leading a modernization in primary care and a true test case as a strategic initiative for the organization and Identifies new and innovative initiatives that may be eventually established as stand alone services. The Executive Office coordinates strategy and implementation, handles inter-provincial relationships, and is the link to the political and executive governance structures of the association.