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Gathering insights about ustwo games

ustwo games Tech Stack

ustwo games uses 8 technology products and services including Looker, Cloudflare, PWA, and more. Explore ustwo games's tech stack below.

  • Looker
  • Cloudflare
    Content Management System
  • PWA
  • Phenomic
    Page Builders
  • Xcode
    Programming Languages
  • C#
    Programming Languages
  • Greenhouse
    Recruitment Marketing
  • X-XSS-Protection

ustwo games's Email Address Formats

ustwo games uses at least 1 format(s):
ustwo games Email FormatsExamplePercentage

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is ustwo games's headquarters located?

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ustwo games's main headquarters is located at 1 Pickle Mews, London, England SW9 0FJ GB. The company has employees across 2 continents, including EuropeNorth America.

What is ustwo games's official website and social media links?

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ustwo games's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

How much revenue does ustwo games generate?

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As of October 2024, ustwo games's annual revenue reached $7.5M.

How many employees does ustwo games have currently?

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As of October 2024, ustwo games has approximately 48 employees across 2 continents, including EuropeNorth America. Key team members include Chief Executive Officer: M. S.Chief Financial Officer: A. W.Head Of Production: E. H.. Explore ustwo games's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does ustwo games belong to?

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ustwo games operates in the Computer Games industry.

What technology does ustwo games use?

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ustwo games's tech stack includes LookerCloudflarePWAPhenomicXcodeC#GreenhouseX-XSS-Protection.

What is ustwo games's email format?

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ustwo games's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more ustwo games email formats with LeadIQ.

When was ustwo games founded?

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ustwo games was founded in 2015.
ustwo games

ustwo games

Computer GamesEngland, United Kingdom11-50 Employees

We’re an independent games studio that loves to make interactive entertainment which challenges the medium, with a strong focus on user experience and elegance in presentation. From our BAFTA award-winning hit Monument Valley, to innovative virtual reality experience Land’s End, we hope our dedication to craft user experience, and our games' impact on people and planet shows in every product we create.

Our latest game, Alba: a Wildlife Adventure is our on Apple Arcade, PC and console

Section iconCompany Overview

1 Pickle Mews, London, England SW9 0FJ GB

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $10M

    ustwo games's revenue is in the range of $10M

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $10M

    ustwo games's revenue is in the range of $10M

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